Read about the different actions in the Circular Economy Beyond Waste project.
33 partners - 1 goal
The Circular Economy Beyond Waste project has 33 partners consisting of municipalities, regions, businesses, the Danish Environment Protection Agency, waste management companies and interest groups. We have a common mission – to create new, circular solutions and a future without waste.
Develop new methods to measure and communicate the value of circular economy initiatives.
Lead: Capital Region
Identify and prioritize emerging needs for analyses and completion of these to the benefit of the partnership.
Lead: Central Denmark Region
Partners: Capital Region
Seminars, workshops, study visits etc. across partnerships will support knowledge exchange and build capacity in prevention, recycling and waste management.
Lead: Central Denmark Region
Partners: Capital Region and Gate 21
Project focus is to identify legal and systemic barriers to circular transition in Denmark and to communicate the results to i.a., relevant public authorities.
Lead: Capital Region
Partnere: Central Denmark Region
The sub-project will increase the general knowledge of digitalisation among partners and identify possibilities to digitalise waste workflow (e.g., tracking of fractions of waste).
Lead: Central Denmark Region
This sub-project will develop coherent legislation and administrative models for “extended producer responsibility”. Cases from Circular Economy Beyond Waste will be included in the course of the project.
Lead: The Danish Environment Protection Agency
Development of a database across municipalities and the Danish Environment Protection Agency, which makes it easier to analyse and exploit material streams as well as to strengthen the environment and provide a statistical overview.
Lead: The Danish Environment Protection Agency.
Translation of the recycling of plastics strategy of Aarhus Municipality across departments from procurement to the mayor’s office. One of the goals is capacity building among purchasers and others in the value chain.
Lead: Aarhus Municipality
Partners: Kredsløb (Waste handling company)
The sub-project works with development of hands-on tools to promote circular choices in procurement and competence development among procurement consultants to include circular economy in public procurement.
Lead: Gentofte Municipality
Test and calculation of effect in a number of areas such as resource consumption, CO2 emission and economy by phasing out single-use textiles and introducing multiple-use textiles. The sub-project will facilitate recycling and reuse of materials.
Lead: Central Denmark Region
Development of concepts and infrastructure to improve direct exploitation of bulky waste for reuse e.g., with more mini-recycling centres close to the citizens.
Lead: Kredsløb (Waste handling company)
Development and demonstration of new concepts gathering citizens, educational institutions and schools around more reuse such as places for repair, direct reuse and unstaffed recycling centres.
Lead: Favrskov Waste Management
Redesign of recycling centres, nudging concepts and development of digital platform for sale of recycled materials.
Lead: NOMI4S
Focus of the sub-project is to minimize waste and increase recycling by changing citizen behaviour. An anthropological approach is used to studies, tests and campaigns.
Lead: RenoSyd (Waste Management Company)
The sub-project works with promoting possibilities for young people with psychosocial challenges to start an education or to enter the labour market through courses at repair centres and other initiatives.
Lead: Bornholm Regional Municipality, Preparatory Basic Education (FGU) Bornholm and Aalborg University.
Upcycling of textiles from the public sector and households testing a network of textile producers. Focus on scalable ideas.
Lead: Gate 21
Partners: Capital Region
Taking the starting point in analyses of value chains on plastics, digital solutions for effective collection, management and treatment of plastics.
Lead: NOMI4S
(Project is under reconstruction)
Focus is on the municipal role in promoting circular construction across the public and private sector. A model for public-private partnerships on circular construction is developed.
Lead: Horsens Municipality
Partners: Silkeborg Municipality, Silkeborg Recycling and Waste, Aarhus Municipality
Development of a screening tool and a database for recyclable materials to make it easier to identify and distribute materials for construction.
Lead: Copenhagen Municipality
Partners: Bornholm Regional Municipality
Development of new ways of designing, collecting, sorting and managing waste materials for food and beverages to ensure it can be used in new products.
Lead: Bornholm Regional Municipality
Partners: Fredensborg Municipality
Development of a business model to replicate and ensure increased repair and resale of large household appliances and at the same time support job creation and smaller companies.
Lead: Favrskov Waste Company
Partners: Aalborg Municipality and Central Denmark Region
Searching for models to maintain nutrients and carbon from biological household waste, waste water as well as waste from gardens and parks in valuable flows.
Lead: Samsø Municipality
Partners: Randers Municipality, AFLD (Waste handling company) and Kredsløb (Waste handling company)
Development of industrial symbiosis models and business models to promote use of industrial waste for industrial production of materials for construction.
Lead: Skive Municipality
Construction of a model to promote both reuse of industrial waste and to strengthen entrepreneurship and business development.
Lead: Holstebro Municipality
Development of communication tools and overview of the field to make it easier for the municipality to have a dialogue with the companies and to promote circular economy in businesses.
Lead: Frederiksberg Municipality
Partners: Hvidovre Municipality, Albertslund Municipality, Rudersdal Municipality and Bornholm Regional Municipality
Development and facilitation of a number of citizen assemblies to encourage a more responsible consumption and to make it possible for citizens to make suggestions to politicians.
Lead: The Capital Region
Partners: Region of Southern Denmark, Rudersdal Municipality, Frederiksberg Municipality, Vejle Municipality and We Do Democracy